1. Have a look at the homepage below and explain the techniques used to attract the target audience.

The Newsround website has a primary target audience of teenagers and young people, so a lot of the news on the website is soft news, news that is not too serious or too daunting for young people.
The website uses a variety of techniques that are commonplace on news websites. Firstly the colours are bold saturated colours, that connote excitement and energy.
The website also has an iconic banner that incorporates the logo for the website and the CBBC logo, that is probably a hyperlink to the CBBC website.
The website has a search bar on the top of the page allowing users to search other areas of the BBC website.
Within the iconic banner we see several icons that are again probably hyperlinks to other areas of the newsround website. We can tell that the website is encouraging users to be interactive as all the icons are connoting interactivity, through taking part in games, or quizzes or even chatting with other users. User participation is obviously strongly encouraged and this is evident through the link to the 'presspackers' section, an area where young people are the reporters, participating in actually creating the content of the website.
On the left hand site of the website there is an index and archive which houses a variety of videos and pictures, both important visual signifiers used to attract a young target audience.
The furniture is arranged into three columns with some boxes coloured differently from the background, making the layout easy to navigate around.
There is a main story on the homepage surrounded by a variety of nibs and plugs, no story is explained in detail, they are all just little enigmas that are hyperlinked to more detailed information. Having a variety of stories is important on a website like newsround as different age groups will be attracted to different types of stories.
The content of the website is varied and suitable to young people and in considering the uses and gratifications theory, the website offers a level of diversion to its users, as it has games and chat rooms. The website also satisfies the users needs for surveillance, as it is providing a huge variety of information.
The chat rooms give the users chance to interact, in turn forming personal relationships. One of the stories has headline that is a rhetorical question and a link to a chat room, posing the question, 'what does your family row about'. Users may well emapathise with other users responses in turn feeling a level of personal identity.
The variety of stories on the website naturally link to commonly known 'news values'. For example the news stories regarding the rare frogs and the man skydiving into a volcano have an obvious level of uniqueness as they are unusual stories.
None of the stories visible on the homepage have a high level of negativity as this would not attract a young target audience.
Several of the stories would come under the news value of currency as they are stories that are popular and widespread at the moment, for example, Liverpool slipping up in the title race. The Liverpool story has a high level of currency as the season is coming to and end and the question of who will win the title is big news.
One of the sports stories poses another rhetorical question, asking who will be the new captain of the British Lions rugby team. The picture shows a possible candidate, it could be argued that the new captain could be a hero or a protagonist. The media like to create heroes and villains, protagonists and antagonists as these characters help create narratives in the news.
One of the sports stories poses another rhetorical question, asking who will be the new captain of the British Lions rugby team. The picture shows a possible candidate, it could be argued that the new captain could be a hero or a protagonist. The media like to create heroes and villains, protagonists and antagonists as these characters help create narratives in the news.
2. Design a homepage for news based website targeted at a teenage audience.
Task 1: Suggest a brand name and web address for the site.
Task 2: Sketch out how you would like the homepage to look and annotate your drawing.
Task 3: Briefly explain your layout.
Task 4: Explain how you have constructed your website in a manner that appeals to the target audience.
1. www.streetwise.co.uk........The name connotes that young people will get to know the word on the street, this is appropriate language for teenagers.
1. www.streetwise.co.uk........The name connotes that young people will get to know the word on the street, this is appropriate language for teenagers.
3. The layout is clear and concise and is designed to be easy for the user to navigate around.
At the top of the website there is an iconic banner that contains the title of the site and the strapline.
The title is ‘Streetwise’ the word street is a signifier that is associated with the language of young people and is juxtaposed with the word ‘wise’ that connotes users will become more knowledgeable as a result of using this website. The strapline is a signifier that connotes that the news on the website is fresh and immediate. The red writing that connotes fire, heat and excitement is juxtaposed against the cold blue background.
On the left of the website there is an index that is made up of subtitles that are hyperlinks. We can tell that they are hyperlinks as they are underlined, they are also rollover buttons and the text changes colour when the cursor rolls over them.
The search bar at the top is easily visible and accessible so users can navigate there way around the site by typing in keywords.
On the right hand side there is an advert, adverts help fund the website and this particular one is aimed directly act that primary target audience of teenagers.
In the centre of the page is the main story, a headline leads in to the main body of the story and the story has various news values, including proximity, (closeness to home) uniqueness, (unusual) negativity (could be bad news if it gets worse) and currency (it is a story that is popular at the moment).
There is a picture underneath the main story that acts as a visual trigger and draws the attention of the user.
In the bottom right hand corner there is an archive of video links, the words are again rollover buttons and are hyperlinked to the relevant videos. The stories have news values of uniqueness and the Girls Aloud story uses star vehicles to attract the readers.
The box at the centre in the bottom contains breaking news, giving a feeling of immediacy. The headline below the breaking news is an example of a nib (news in brief) this is of course a hyperlink to the relevant article.
The final piece of furniture contains a link to sign up for the latest podcasts. Podcasts are very popular with young people and this facility means the news itself becomes mobile.
4. The website will appeal to the target audience because it encourages user participation with the online polls, your views section and even a chat room. There is also a hyperlink to a games section where users can enjoy themselves.
Users can watch videos of the news in addition to seeing pictures, this visual stimulus is important for younger users who are use to fast navigation on social networking sites.
The content of the website is designed to suit the needs of a young audience and in considering the uses and gratification theory, the site offers a level of diversion by giving the users the opportunity to watch unusual videos and play games.
The site also addresses the audience’s need for surveillance with a variety of news with various news values.
The stories on the website are ones that young people can personally identify with, as everyone is in fear of getting swine flu and some people may be entering year 9 may miss out on exams.
The videos and various articles on the website also satisfy the audience’s need to form personal relationships as they are stories that interest young people and cover issues that tare popular.
There is also a chat room where people can form personal relationships through discussing the issues covered on the website.
At the top of the website there is an iconic banner that contains the title of the site and the strapline.
The title is ‘Streetwise’ the word street is a signifier that is associated with the language of young people and is juxtaposed with the word ‘wise’ that connotes users will become more knowledgeable as a result of using this website. The strapline is a signifier that connotes that the news on the website is fresh and immediate. The red writing that connotes fire, heat and excitement is juxtaposed against the cold blue background.
On the left of the website there is an index that is made up of subtitles that are hyperlinks. We can tell that they are hyperlinks as they are underlined, they are also rollover buttons and the text changes colour when the cursor rolls over them.
The search bar at the top is easily visible and accessible so users can navigate there way around the site by typing in keywords.
On the right hand side there is an advert, adverts help fund the website and this particular one is aimed directly act that primary target audience of teenagers.
In the centre of the page is the main story, a headline leads in to the main body of the story and the story has various news values, including proximity, (closeness to home) uniqueness, (unusual) negativity (could be bad news if it gets worse) and currency (it is a story that is popular at the moment).
There is a picture underneath the main story that acts as a visual trigger and draws the attention of the user.
In the bottom right hand corner there is an archive of video links, the words are again rollover buttons and are hyperlinked to the relevant videos. The stories have news values of uniqueness and the Girls Aloud story uses star vehicles to attract the readers.
The box at the centre in the bottom contains breaking news, giving a feeling of immediacy. The headline below the breaking news is an example of a nib (news in brief) this is of course a hyperlink to the relevant article.
The final piece of furniture contains a link to sign up for the latest podcasts. Podcasts are very popular with young people and this facility means the news itself becomes mobile.
4. The website will appeal to the target audience because it encourages user participation with the online polls, your views section and even a chat room. There is also a hyperlink to a games section where users can enjoy themselves.
Users can watch videos of the news in addition to seeing pictures, this visual stimulus is important for younger users who are use to fast navigation on social networking sites.
The content of the website is designed to suit the needs of a young audience and in considering the uses and gratification theory, the site offers a level of diversion by giving the users the opportunity to watch unusual videos and play games.
The site also addresses the audience’s need for surveillance with a variety of news with various news values.
The stories on the website are ones that young people can personally identify with, as everyone is in fear of getting swine flu and some people may be entering year 9 may miss out on exams.
The videos and various articles on the website also satisfy the audience’s need to form personal relationships as they are stories that interest young people and cover issues that tare popular.
There is also a chat room where people can form personal relationships through discussing the issues covered on the website.
Question 3: Explain why the news values are appropriate for the target audience.
There are a range of news values that apply to news stories, most hard news stories have a level of negativity, they are serious and are presented through a formal mode-of-address.
The stories on the newsround website are not often negative because the primary target audience is younger people. There are various stories on the newsround website that would come under the news value uniqueness. Uniqueness means stories that are unusual, a little bit different, the stories with a news value of uniqueness are often less serious and presented in an informal mode-of-address. An example from the newsround website is ' Man skydives into active volcano' this story is unusual but not negative.
Another news value is currency, this applies to stories that are popular at the moment, an example of this is the story about Liverpool drawing a football match. The race for the Premier League title is big story at the moment so it has a lot of value. The use of a star vehicle is also apparent in this story, we can see a picture of Fernando Torres who is a very famous football star and will appeal to the target audience.
There is a story at the bottom of the website that is about the possible new British Lions rugby team captain, this story has a news value of recency as it is a story that is happening at the moment.
Other values that can be considered are the values that the users put on the stories they are reading. The uses and gratification theory helps us understand how users observe the stories.
There are 4 parts to the theory and they are all evident when we look at the newsround website.
The stories on the website are informal and provide diversion for the users, as do the games that are accessible.
The information on the website satisfies the audience's need for surveillance and helps them gather information.
The stories regarding families will provide a level of personal identity for some of the target audience as they can identify with structure the family or the lack of a family.
The chat room function allows users to interact and discuss topical issues, in turn forming personal relationships through the website.
Question 4: Why are news websites becoming more popular than newspapers.
There are several reason why news websites are becoming more and more popular.
1. Websites are visually more exciting, they include a wide variety of pictures and increasingly a huge range of videos/ links to tv channels and flash elements.
2. Websites are bottomless, they can host a massive amount of information, far more than any newspaper, satisfying our need for surveillance.
3. Websites are organic, they keep growing with new branches of information but they archive some of the old information so you can refer back to it.
4. Websites are can publish breaking news almost immediately, they can publish stories that have an ultimate news value of immediacy.
5. Websites are far more interactive, and encourage user participation. Users can post comments, customise their own version of the homepage, chat with other users, enter competitions and play games.
6. You can view online news sites whenever you want and you can replay information over and over until you understand it.
7. You can access information quickly (at the click of a button) and find things that you are interested in.
8. Websites contain a variety of hard news and soft news.
9. You can absorb the information in your own time whereas newspapers are daily, so encourage you to buy one every day.
10. THEY ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Example questions for revision
1. Choose one of the websites linked below and explain how the content and structure has been developed to attract the target audience?
BBC News
2. Create a homepage for a news website aimed at teenagers by completing the following tasks....
There are several reason why news websites are becoming more and more popular.
1. Websites are visually more exciting, they include a wide variety of pictures and increasingly a huge range of videos/ links to tv channels and flash elements.
2. Websites are bottomless, they can host a massive amount of information, far more than any newspaper, satisfying our need for surveillance.
3. Websites are organic, they keep growing with new branches of information but they archive some of the old information so you can refer back to it.
4. Websites are can publish breaking news almost immediately, they can publish stories that have an ultimate news value of immediacy.
5. Websites are far more interactive, and encourage user participation. Users can post comments, customise their own version of the homepage, chat with other users, enter competitions and play games.
6. You can view online news sites whenever you want and you can replay information over and over until you understand it.
7. You can access information quickly (at the click of a button) and find things that you are interested in.
8. Websites contain a variety of hard news and soft news.
9. You can absorb the information in your own time whereas newspapers are daily, so encourage you to buy one every day.
10. THEY ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Example questions for revision
1. Choose one of the websites linked below and explain how the content and structure has been developed to attract the target audience?
BBC News
- Who are the target audience?
- What techniques have been used (structure) videos, pictures, nibs, interactivity, iconic banner, logo, strapline, index, archive, colour etc?
- What about the content? Does it enable user participation? Uses and gratification theory?(surveillance/diversion/personal identity/personal relationships) News values? (Proximity, uniqueness, star vehicles, currency, simplicity, recency)
2. Create a homepage for a news website aimed at teenagers by completing the following tasks....
- Name of site and URL
- Design your homepage and annotate
- Explain the structure of the website
- Explain why it is appropriate for the target audience.
- Who are the target audience?
- What techniques have been used (structure) videos, pictures, nibs, interactivity, iconic banner, logo, strapline, index, archive, colour etc?
- What about the content? Does it enable user participation? Uses and gratification theory?(surveillance/diversion/personal identity/personal relationships) News values? (Proximity, uniqueness, star vehicles, currency, simplicity, recency)
3. Using examples, explain two ways in which news websites target young people.
- Who are the target audience?
- What techniques have been used (structure) videos, pictures, nibs, interactivity, iconic banner, logo, strapline, index, archive, colour etc?
- What about the content? Does it enable user participation? Uses and gratification theory?(surveillance/diversion/personal identity/personal relationships) News values? (Proximity, uniqueness, star vehicles, currency, simplicity, recency)
- 1. Websites are visually more exciting, they include a wide variety of pictures and increasingly a huge range of videos/ links to tv channels and flash elements.
2. Websites are bottomless, they can host a massive amount of information, far more than any newspaper, satisfying our need for surveillance.
3. Websites are organic, they keep growing with new branches of information but they archive some of the old information so you can refer back to it.
4. Websites are can publish breaking news almost immediately, they can publish stories that have an ultimate news value of immediacy.
5. Websites are far more interactive, and encourage user participation. Users can post comments, customise their own version of the homepage, chat with other users, enter competitions and play games.
6. You can view online news sites whenever you want and you can replay information over and over until you understand it.
7. You can access information quickly (at the click of a button) and find things that you are interested in.
8. Websites contain a variety of hard news and soft news.
- More and more people have access to the internet.
- Websites are available all over the world, they transcend national boundaries and people. abroad will not have to wait two days for a newspaper carrying old news.
- Newspaper companies can cut down on printing costs.
- Websites help create synergy for the brand of newspaper companies.
- People trust their favourite brand of newspaper and want it available online.
- Advertisers want to be able to access large numbers of people and advertising funds newspapers and newspaper websites.
- Advertisers can target specific audience who are accessing specific pages on a news website, for example, The NME music magazine could advertise on the entertainment section of the website.
1. Take a look at the newspaper front covers on the right hand side of the page, choose one and explain how it is structured in order to attract its target audience.....
Mast head
Main image
Plugs/puffs (snipets of news)
Captions (text to anchor the meaning of photos)
Staplines (
Bylines (Who wrote the article)
Web address
Typography (style of text)
Layout / design
What about the content? Does it enable user participation? Uses and gratification theory?(surveillance/diversion/personal identity/personal relationships)
News values? (Proximity, uniqueness, star vehicles, currency, simplicity, recency)
2. Create a newspaper front cover aimed at a teenage audience.
- Think of a suitable name
- Design and annotate the front cover
- Explain your design
- Explain how your front cover will appeal to a teenage audience
Main image
Plugs/puffs (snipets of news)
Captions (text to anchor the meaning of photos)
Staplines (
Bylines (Who wrote the article)
Web address
Typography (style of text)
Layout / design
What about the content? Does it enable user participation? Uses and gratification theory?(surveillance/diversion/personal identity/personal relationships)
News values? (Proximity, uniqueness, star vehicles, currency, simplicity, recency)